Friday, March 26, 2010

good food + good wine + good friends round dinner table = happy times :)

have had happy evenings and many laughs this week with friends, good for the soul I tell ya! :)
went to a stunning restaurant last night called The Annex in Kalk Bay in Cape Town last night. highly recommended!  and if you are interested in books too, the restaurant is linked to a book store next door called Kalk Bay book store. they often have book launches there and then entertainment afterwards at the restaurant.
here are just a few pics taken last night, a little blurred and squiffy, will blame that on the good wine though! :)
beautiful Cape Town sunset on the way down to restaurant

good times with good mates
stunning tree outside which I'm sure in summer months lovely to sit under and dream...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

snappy snap snap...

went to the K Day festival with our lovely friends Ryan & Emily the other day. vibe was fantastic and here are just a few pics I managed to take in between watching the bands and drinking beer!
have been loving checking out some other photographers websites at the moment. really liking the work of an English photographer called Lara Jade and an American photographer Brooks Reynolds. if you want to have a little lookie, click on their names and check out their sites.

Monday, March 22, 2010

light trails....

had a project to do for a course I am on at the moment. was messing around with light trails on the street of cape town. here is what came out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

starting off....

this is me and my journey with photography.....