Friday, May 7, 2010

world cup mania....

Soccer 4
Originally uploaded by Rebecca Groves
as most of you know Cape Town is hosting the Fifa World Cup here this year. as my hubby and i were driving around hout bay we came across some guys playing soccer (or football!!) for a small local tournament. thought we would pop by and take some shots of these guys in action. they even asked if i was the paparazzi! hahaha! to check out more shots go to my flickr account at

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Romanic drive

seeing as we have been so hectic lately my lovely hubby decided to take me on a romantic surprise drive a couple of weekends ago, telling me also that I mustn't forget my camera!
we went off to hout bay for a delicis lunch and then right round chapman's peak, where as it was such a stunning day i was so glad i brought my camera!
here is one of the pics i managed to capture that day. this is of the whole of hout bay from chapman's peak. what a beautiful country we live in! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

getting there....

have finally got my butt into gear and had a chance to get down to processing some of my pics.  a couple of weeks ago (yes that's how long it has taken me, the joys of having a 9-5 job!) i had a shoot with some friends, jean and ernie.   jean had asked me to take some bridal shots and casual shots of her and ernie, so we ventured out early one morning to a nearby nature reserve for the bridal shots and then later on to the beach for some casual shots (after a brill cooked breakfast courtesy of my great hubby, which was much needed!).

I was happy how some of them came out, although still have a lot to learn.  have just included a few below, but you can check out the rest on my flickr page. now to process the next lots of pics.....

my world update.....

ok, so been a while since I have last blogged.  been quite on the hectic front, lots of opportunities to take pics, but such little time to sit down and actually get round to processing them!  but they are on the way! promise!

in the mean time, thought I would just blog about a few photographers who I have found recently that really inspire me.

First up, Lara Jade. Lade Jade is a fashion photographer from London.  She produces really remarkable self portraits, some of the best I have seen. love her approach to photography and her out the box thinking!

I also love a photographer called himitsuhana's style.  Really dreamy and fairy tale like pics and she has a great imagination, esp. love the one 'Sleeping Beauty Gave Up'! :)

rebekka is from iceland, so has some lovely photographs of the Icelandic scenery and also lots of portraits. like her fresh, natural approach to photography, and she also makes lovely knit wear! 

well, quite short and sweet but hopefully won't leave it so long next time and will have some pics to upload! :)