Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a tribute to david groves.....

after 3 years of struggle with cancer, my husband's father, David Groves, went to heaven on the evening of 20th March.

i would like to tribute this blog post to him, one who was so dedicated to everything he put his mind to, one who was wise, had a love for the downcast, poor, and broken hearted. we can learn so much from his life...

last saturday we had a memorial service in honour of his life. my husband wrote a beautiful song for his father, and i just wanted to share this with you. it makes me cry every time i hear it.  also love this old pic of his classic...

Bend In The Road by nickgroves

"There is a man who once lived his life in view of the mercy of God. This man didn't think more highly of himself than he aught, but in sober judgement was willing to associate with people of low position. This man served, taught, encouraged, gave generously, led diligently, showed mercy cheerfully. 
This man loved sincerely, he hated what was evil, he clung to what was good. This man was devoted to those near to him, and honored others above himself. This man was never lacking in zeal, was joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. This man shared with those who were in need. This man practiced hospitality.
This man blessed those that persecuted him, he rejoiced with those who rejoiced and he mourned with those who mourned. He lived in harmony with those he knew. He lived at peace with those around him, and never took revenge.
This man was never overcome with evil, but overcame evil with good.
This man is my father." Nick Groves - excerpt from David Groves Eulogy