Saturday, June 26, 2010

to blog or not to blog....

ok, really need to get into this whole blog thing more....has been a while since I have posted.  haven't had any new material as yet though.  had to reschedule a few photo shoots with friends. but hopefully one will be happening tomorrow! should be fun! hoping to use some of the shots to enter into elle magazine's new photographer find. 
have actually been entering a few photography competitions recently...think i am a bit addicted and love winning stuff! :)  will see how it goes as the closing dates are coming up soon.  
loving the vibe over here in South Africa at the moment with the World Cup.  Has been so lovely to see Cape Town so busy with tourists and so passionate about their country they are supporting. don't know if i can say the same with me and England...let's say we have a bit of a love/hate relationship.  but going to the Cape Town fan park tomorrow to catch some of the action and vibe down there.  might be the last game they are in...but here is hoping not! 
will of course be taking my camera and will post up here as soon as poss.
till then have been loving reading some fashion and fashion photographers blogs at the mo.  Some i would recommend.. i heart your outfit, written by my lovely capetonian friends, Liza West and Emily Pettit-Coetzee.  then there is Hannah, photographer from New York, and then yet again the great Damon Baker.  He has just started a new blog called Skinny Trashionsta.
Enjoy the rest of the World Cup! :)