Friday, September 9, 2011

6 years of marriage bliss...... :)

"Do you really have to bring ALL those?" After 6 years of marriage, Nick has the eye rolling thing down.  We were going away for the weekend to celebrate our 6 year anniversary and I was bringing (nearly) every camera I own…well, three to be precise.  See, I am a 'what if' gal…i don't know if anyone else struggles with this but when i am packing to go anywhere i am always thinking…'what if…it rains…or we go to the beach…or i will be cold..'  

on this occasion i was playing the 'what if' game with cameras.  i was bringing three cameras along with me for our time away for those 'what if' moments.  one holga…check..need to finish the film and if it is sunny holga takes great pics…my digital cam..check..for good quality digital pics and then, of course, my iphone…check..for when i don't have the other two cameras with me.  i was happy, as i seemed to have covered all the bases.

we had a lovely weekend away and i was prepared to capture it to show it to our grandkids..or whoever.  i'm trying to make more of an effort now to capture our own lives more.  

so here are some of the pics i took this weekend in my true 'what if' style: some with the iphone, some with my digital…and errr, still waiting for the film ones to be developed! :)
beautiful view of table mountain
found out this old ship had leaked oil onto the beach during the night :(
clock tower at waterfront sporting green and gold, ready for the world cup :)
waterfront street entertainer
waterfront street entertainers
spotted this cute little boat peeing round the habour
waterfront ampitheatre with natasha meister
tried teppenyaki for the first time :)
i also managed to drag nick along to milnerton market.  have wanted to go there for ages now and managed to walk away with quite a few bargins! :) firstly a nice old suitcase, and an old (working!) type writer....

and nick and i went a bit crazy on buying more records for our record player.  i, of course, picked all the old musicals i love, nick, having a bit better taste, picked sammy davies jnr and good ol' frank! :)
spotted this too....Rolf Harris!  don't know if anyone remembers him?  looks like the kangeroo isn't too happy about being bear hugged by rolf!  decided to give this LP a miss! :)
found out this morning as well that nick had written a song for me for our 6 year anniversery.  its called 'home' it...makes me want to cry everytime i listen to it...but then again i am quite a softy! :) have a listen below...
Home by nickgroves